Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Supervisor Don Maben - Under Fire

BAKERSFIELD, California — Upon arriving at the scene of a fire, swift assessment of the situation means the difference between life and death. Rapid containment requires firefighters to understand the stages of the fire growth.

Under safely controlled conditions, the "Mobile Fire Training Lab" allows firefighters to identify these various stages including a pre-flashover environment commonly called a "roll over." During this stage, firefighters must identify the condition and prevent it from progressing to a “flashover.”

On July 27th, 2007 Supervisor Don Maben participated in a live fire training exercise at the Kern County Fire Departments’ Training Facility. During the 5-7 minute drill inside the propane-fueled flashover simulator, Maben successfully withstood extreme temperatures reaching nearly 1100 degrees and quickly contained the fire.

The Kern County Fire Department would like to congratulate Supervisor Maben on the completion of this exercise and thank him for his time and participation.

Pictured Left to Right: Captain Mark Phillips, County Supervisor Don Maben and a Kern County Firefighter Recruit enter the flashover trailer to fight fire.